September 9, 2010

A New Earth

"Get ready to be awakened", the slogan of the second book from Eckhart Tolle, the fenomenal spiritual teacher and also the writer of the Power of Now. Titled A New Earth, as this book is the continuation of the Power of Now, so it's still mainly revolves around human indivual.

One of the many things that make me blown away is how this book speak of how we, as a being, should live as a being. And enjoy it. We are all get to tense about this life, and forget about enjoying as a being. Still don't get it? Don't worry, first time I read the book, it left me thinking for a long time, "What the hell?". But the second time I finished the book, something just popped up and I said, "I see."

Another great thing, the book also do a comprehensive analysis of the human ego, how this time, almost all of us is in the grip of our ego, without we knowing it. Remember how fun is the feeling when you know you are better than everyone? That is ego. Or, when you are scolding someone younger than you just because you already live longer, you are bigger, or you have more experience? That is also ego. Everytime you use your mind, that is the ego. The book teaches us how to be the consciousness apart from the ego. How to keep from not to feed on the ego. And by that way, you can start enjoy living as a being.

Two words that is repeatedly told in the book, and also the one that keep sticks inside my head (oh yes, my head is a thought, and thus making it my ego.) is present moment. Eckhart Tolle told us to always live on the present moment. No need to worry about what the future holds for us, or for the worse, worrying about something in the past. By doing all the worrying, you will not be able to enjoy life itself. And you cannot live the life to the fullest extent.

I highly recommend the book to those who wants to be awakened. And this books apply to every religions, the teaching is universal and not accusing one religion wrong and the other is the rightful way. This book talks about spirituality, not religions. Read the book, and you'll understand what do I mean.

Well it's been a while (well 1 year is not a while.) since my last book review. Currently, I'm doing another project, which is movie review in, so my book review is on hold. But, thanks to your supports, finally I got back to this. Hope you enjoyed it!

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